These 'ai' printable sheets are perfect for sound consolidation for both reading and spelling!
7 activities (some activities have two versions to support reading).
What's included?
- Cover (no need to print)
- Contents page
- Pictures and words - this is all about hearing the sound and writing words using the sound.
- Find the 'igh' words - can you find read and write all the 'igh' words hidden in the picture? Can you also find and count how many lights you can find? You can also colour the images.
- Pairs memory game (please note there are 2 versions of the same game 1-with black writing if your child is confident reading the sounds and one with rainbow sounds to help yout child recognise the different sounds in the word, supporting reading).
- Sound Button hunt - cut the words out, hide them around the room, can your child find them, read the word and add the sound buttons?
- Word Search (please note these are 2 versions of the same word search, 1- you write the words in using the picture clues, the other the words are written for you to find).
- Real and Nonsense word sort - find the words, read them and sort them into real or nonsense (made up) - there are two versions of the same activity 1: black writing for children who are confident recognising the different sounds in words and 1 rainbow sounds to support reading.
- Complete the Crossword: Use the words in the word bank to fill in the spaces in the crossword, use the pictures to help.
These booklets are new, if you have/find any problems etc please let me know.
'igh' activity printables